St. Mary's Episcopal Church

St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Cypress, Texas

Monday, June 28, 2010

A week to catch up?

The Sunday Morning Bible/90 class realized that our next class is on July 4 and that the parish is having a breakfast to welcome our new curate, The Rev. Meredith Holt (bring a dish to share and join us at 9!). They took a vote and decided that rather than miss one of the excellent videos, that they would like to have a week of grace to catch up, and then watch the video for Week 5 on July 11. So the Bible in 90 will be the Bible in 97 for the Sunday groups. The Wednesday group will stay on schedule, and we're waiting to hear from the Thursday group.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A week in ABQ and I am seriously behind. Now I am back on schedule. When I asked for prayers, this is not exactly what I had in mind, but God works in wonderful ways!!
